About Gump Station
Located on Moorea, a high volcanic island in French Polynesia with a well-developed coral reef system and tropical terrestrial environment, Gump Station was established in 1985 when Richard Gump donated his 33-acre property to the University of California. Its mission is to advance the frontiers of biocomplexity research and sustainability science by providing operational and technological support for their programs on the island.
The Gump Station furthermore serves to promote understanding and to advance research through ecological, environmental and oceanic conservation. International scientists and students are invited to carry out a diverse range of programs, including:
The Moorea Coral Reef Long-term Ecological Research Explores the effects of external drivers such as disturbance and global climate change on the resilience of coral reefs.
Responses in Reef Ecosystems Under Rapid Change Examines how environmental stressors impact the health and persistence of corals and their associated microbial communities.
Coral Tree Nursery Project in Moorea Establishment of coral nurseries in the lagoon of Moorea, a refuge where the coral could grow and develop free from certain threats, and monitoring the growth and survival of adult coral fragments compared to "mother" colonies on the reef.
Ocean Acidification and Adaptive Capacity This project focuses on the effects of Ocean Acidification on tropical coral reefs and builds on a program of research results from an existing 4-year award. Additionally, the research will have broad-reaching and cascading effects at multiple levels associated with public awareness of climate change effects.